Stainless steel
Tempered steel
Cast steel
Innovative cutting geometry
resistant to impact and assuring
precise work, tool’s breakage
reduction and re-sharpening.
Cut Type 9
Designed for heavy or intensive machining, specific
manufacturing industry such as shipyards,
foundries and steel constructions where cutting
edges wearing and breakage are frequent due to
the severe working conditions.
High stock removal, longer tool’s life, less vibration
reduced noise complete the characteristics
of these burs
also available in coated SO
CERIN S.p.A. socio unico
Società soggetta a direzione e coordinamento di CAMI HOLDING s.r.l.
Via Enrico Fermi 15
37010 AFFI (Verona) Italy
C.F. e P.IVA: 00244240230
Cap. soc. i.v. € 2.400.000,00
Registro imprese di Verona n° 00244240230
REA 127005
© Cerin SpA 2019